Tips For Business Accountants

families on vacation but  the thing is is the banks Business Accountants Adelaide that are  giving us those nice rewards attached to  our cards aren’t really paying for it  it’s the merchants where we utilize  those cards thus the interchange and the  print costs of interchange

so let’s talk  about on a scale what are the cheapest  cards to process so merchant obviously  they’re looking to keep their costs down  and as we go through the rest of this  session today I want you guys to think  about the knowledge you’re going to gain  not only in today’s session but in  sessions moving forward we really want  to differentiate ourselves from

  everybody else and not really going to  be that piece that differentiates us we  could sit home we could read books keep  that knowledge to ourselves and we’ve  you become a brilliant person but if we  take this information we’re gathering  today interchange we turn our  presentation in our conversations with  merchants into a valuable conversation  we help them understand interchange a  little bit better guess what now you  become a trusted advisor you become a  consultant for these folks and that is  really going to add value

to your  relationship then when other folks come  behind you and try to steal that  business away they’re not going to be  interested in leaving because you become  that trusted person that they know is  going to provide them with the answers  they’re looking for so the lowest rate  of interchange is going to be your  you’re just plain rap ATM cards then you  have your PIN debit cards then of course  you have your check cards and then we  have our plane wrap credit cards I just  call it a plane wrap it’s a consumer  card no perks attached generally

  consumers that get these cards they  begin them because they say hey I don’t  travel much I want the lowest interest  rate I can get on the front end of my  card so when i use it i don’t want to  pay nineteen twenty